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Iancu Jianu, haiducul (1981) Free Movie

Iancu Jianu, haiducul (1981) Free Movie Online

Genre: Action Drama History

Director:Dinu Cocea

Stars: Adrian Pintea Stela Furcovici Marioara Sterian

Vote: 7.4

Quality: HD

Iancu Jianu, haiducul 1981 the adventures from the first part continue the break with his old world is total justice becomes more important than personal happiness romantic aura of hero has the perfect bright the atmosphere from Haiducii series is mixed with crumbs of fairy tale and one of the good points remains the presence of Emanoil Petru in the role of Tudor Vladimirescu, as small reference to the film of Lucian Bratu from 1963 mixture of innocence represented by Ionica , high cruelty of authorities,and the status of voice of the people for Iancu gives a seductive message and seems be refuge against political pressure sure, it is only an illusion the end reminds that in inspired manner the songs about the courage of a shadow front with the bitter reality heroism at high level as a puzzle for who a lot of cliches are used