In this direct sequel to the 1998 Godzilla movie, Dr Nico Tatopoulos leads a team, known as H E A T, to battle giant monsters with the help of Godzillas only living offspring
Follows the mischievous adventures of a Monkey by the name of George
George and The Man In The Yellow Hat are having a merry time counting down to Christmas But neither can decide what to give each other Will they find the answers before Christmas morning
Spider Man travels to Counter Earth to rescue a Terran shuttle crew trapped there and discovers a tyrannical and warped version of his world
Get ready for a spook tacular good time with Curious George in his first ever Halloween movie This fun filled adventure is a bewitching treat for the whole family
Billionaire Bruce Wayne fights crime and evil as the mysterious Batman
Batman faces off against the original creature of the night, Count Dracula, who has been unintentionally resurrected by the Penguin
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