The minister of Economy gives a house, a car and job to a man who tried to jump from a building because of his poverty soon, every poor tries the same strategy
A series of images, music and sounds which transport through Mexicos history, without any narrative sequence The film spins constantly round the question Where are the singers from De donde son los cantantes in spanish the
Snippets of a family drama involving a rebellious son coming to his depressing home village, his father, and a jaded ex lover, mixed with various surrealist scenes and statements about sin
A very poor and handicaped man, lives in a small town in Mexico with his mother He works announcing things along the town The priest lost his cow, if someone sees it He is very interested in the cock fightigs One day a
A former felon is blackmailed by a corrupt policeman and forced to commit a crime
The lives of men and women living on Callejon de los Milagros in Mexico City
El Benny is deported from the U S and returns home to a Mexico devastated by the drug wars He too joins in and starts climbing the hierarchy, finding a prosperous life full of money, women, violence, and fun
A group of students arrives in a small town during a hiking expedition Once there, the local priest accuses them of being communist agitators on the run from an army crack down against student demonstrations in nearby Mexico City an
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